Download & Read the Important Information Sheet
Download the Important Info & FAQS on the buttons to the left BEFORE registering.
Active Kids Vouchers
Claim your Active Kids Voucher before registering.
Add the voucher number during the registration process. Claim your voucher
at: https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/transaction/apply-for-an-active-and-creative-kids-voucher
Create a Football Account
If you haven’t already done so, you will need to create a Football Account and link family members to your account at https://account.footballnetwork.com.au/register and then follow the prompts to register.
Use the same email address to create your account as you have used for previous soccer registrations (if you or members of your immediate family have played before). Any issues with registration contact Play Football on 02 8880 7983.
Register yourself and then link family members (e.g., children) when prompted.
Information you will be prompted to enter:
Our Club: Lismore Thistles Soccer Club
Role: Player (if registering to play football)
To be a valid player, your registration MUST be paid in full before the first game.

Get in Touch
Any inquiries about our club registration processes (i.e. not the online registration process) can be addressed to lismorethistlessc@ffnc.net.au.